09 April 2007

"Exorcise Caution"

A friend, who i have promised shall remain nameless, (believe it or not) told me about something scathingly brilliant she sent to a long-distance...erm...interest of hers through the post a few weeks ago:

The envelope contained:
several feet of yellow Caution tape and two sheets of paper.

One sheet read
Caution statement: exorcise caution

The other sheet read
Instructions for use:
1. Roll into tight ball
2. Throw to wind


Her next idea involves a re-creation of a cake she made about five/six years ago with someone else in mind. It was white organic vanilla with a red hacksaw baked in the middle to facillitate a prison break. She called it for those immured in prisons of their own making

Ah, performance confectionary tactics. Who knew?!?

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