06 January 2007

laughing my way to crippledom.

The significance and/or oddity of this will only make sense to my closest of friends, but I finished the gutsplitting book posted about below this morning, and was laughing So hard my hands went numb. I KID YOU NOT. I had to perch the book in my lap. So weird.


R said...

Oh I WISH I had seen that. I cannot imagine you laughing harder or longer than you did at the bookstore. I'm so glad that book was in the world for you to find it. It is so lovely when people laugh, and you do it more than most people anyway, but somehow you are an especially GOOD laugher too. It made my heart happy just watching you experience a near medical incident at Pages. God bless the London Review of Books and their lonely, lovelorn readers...


stef lenk said...

YAHOOOOOO! YOu're HEARRRRR!!! Ah, Pages, they've seen the best of me, and the worst of me. Now I'm off too stick my bum in there art window for an hour or so...